Making Over Lunch!
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Lean Cuisine, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HonestlyGood #ad
I am sure many of you can relate, but working full-time, a mama of one, with another soon to make her debut and this blog here, amongst pesky home chores and duties such as laundry, dishes and picking up the toys strewn about my house, I do not have time to think about lunch for myself. Nor am I the most avid cook. I head out the door each morning just happy I remembered my computer and maybe throwing a banana or pre-packaged snack into my purse before starting my day (and always feeling like I'm running behind). I don't ever pack a lunch (and I feel like I'm already burning the midnight oil the night before, so not thinking about packing something ahead either) to take with me to work.
When I get to work, I get busy and run from meeting to meeting. I typically eat oatmeal that I keep at my desk for breakfast once at work and then snack on whatever I managed to bring or the popcorn my work keeps around throughout the day, mostly skipping any sort of real lunch or shelling out too much money for the mediocre offerings in my office. There's not much I can change about being busy (life's about to get even busier with baby #2 soon arriving), but there is something I need to do about lunch. First, pregnant or not, it's important I get some sort of mid-day meal with actual nutrition. Second, eating lunch would curb the snacking, which sometimes includes the office candy which is all too tempting. Third, it'll give me more energy in the afternoons and evenings to finish work and keep up with my toddler.

So, I staged an intervention on myself. I'm making over my lunch routine and thanks to a new line of frozen meals, Lean Cuisine Honestly Good, it's been easy and healthy! I headed to Target and giddily grabbed 4 different kinds to taste test (they offer 6 different varieties). What I like about this pre-packed meal is that it's 100% natural and made with wholesome ingredients.
After my own taste test and implementation of a new lunch routine last week, I was happy to find a lunch option I could fit into my busy schedule, yet stay healthy. Easy to grab from the freezer, throw in my bag and go; quick to warm up at work and eat in between meetings or at my desk, I've reinvented my weekday lunch!
Here is my review of the four meals I tried:
Honey Citrus Chicken
My favorite! The perfect amount of chicken with a mixture of veggies and whole grain noodles. It was so satisfying, yet I wanted another...
Pomegranate Chicken
This was good and different. I was surprised at first bite and intrigued throughout the entire meal. The pop of pomegranate is evident and provides just the right amount of fruit flavoring to this savory meal.
Lemongrass Salmon
This pregnancy, I've not been a big fish eater at all. I used to always love salmon, but it just hasn't sounded appetizing these last few months. I decided to forge ahead and try this one anyway, for the sake of someday not being pregnant and loving it again. I'm glad I did - it's delicious and full of different flavors, not just salmon!
Roasted Red Pepper Chicken
This is a great non-fruity flavored chicken meal! I love the fruity ones, but like to mix it up with other flavors, and the pepper chicken is just the one to mix it up with.
Have you tried any of the new Lean Cuisine Honestly Good meals?
Share in the comments what your favorite one is!
What's your weekday lunch routine or quick lunch secret??
{P.S. Outfit info: Jacket - Old Navy, but sold out (similar), Top - old from Loft (similar); Skirt - old from Old Navy (similar, I also have this one that's similar in colors, but A-line and love); Flats, Bag}