{I mean, how beautiful is this surrounding and cool is that car?! All the details of this wedding were just so spot on. It was such a beautiful ceremony. oh and my bridesmaid dress was actually one of my favs c/o London Times. The 3 bridesmaids wore different lace, pastel type dresses.}
{Post-ceremony champagne toast and greetings with that beautiful bride and then my husband and I - It was a bright sunshiney day, thus the sunnies.}
{These are some of the cool cats I got to hang out with. I pretty much adore them. There is nothing better than old friends, lots of memories and songs to bring back those memories... like the entire album of Emancipation of Mimi. You're just lucky I'm not posting the video my husband took of the bride, those 2 girls in the above and I completely lost in the song singing along... completely in tune, no doubt.}
{See? So beautiful + one of my favorite guest gifts ever... homemade strawberry jam. It's so good.}
{And maybe the most brilliant part of the entire reception... the freaking FRO-YO bar with 25 topping options! I mean, I'm pretty sure this is not just the preggo in me talking here... but the preggo in me did go back for seconds. I figured I was missing out on all the glorious wine and "Strip and Go Nakeds" so two Fro-Yos was necessary.}
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