April 18, 2012

A Casual Little Outfit

And of course, the cutest thing of all is that little guy of mine.  He refuses to pose for the camera, but that's ok - I do that enough for both of us.  You can see him roll over here.

A little bit of a casual (as previewed here) and end of the day kind of disheveled look for you here... I love the green fine cords though, so figured I'd share despite the wear and tear of the day apparent on my face and in my hair (and if you look close enough, stained all over my clothes... let's just say I had a blackberry incident - thus the reason for the leg post - and Liam has taken a liking to lick everything and anything).

{Outfit details: Chambray - J.Crew (similar), Pants - Loft, Flats - ASOS, Necklace - Talbots, Watch - MK, Glasses - Forever21}

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