March 21, 2012

Thank You to my March Supporters

Huge thank you to the following brands and people for supporting Chasing Davies this month!  Just a little icing on this bloggy cake to help me do what I love and bring you cool product reviews & giveaways.   Please show them some love!

Mary is the author of the blog, Trusty Chucks, where she gives us a glimpse into her life.  From what she's wearing (like this so cute outfit), to what she's making (um, yum), what she's reading and what her family is up to (how cute her little one is), there is a little something for everyone. provided me my pick of glasses and I'm loving having the fun new accessory.  I'd been really jonesing for some tortoise shell ones, and now I have 'em.  See my review here.

Eco Swim provided Erica, the winner of my giveaway with her choice between two super cute suits. How jealous I am of her!  I love the polka dot one, myself!  

31 Bits is an amazing organization doing good in the world.  By selling jewelry that women in Northern Urganda make by hand, you are empowering them to make a living and rise above poverty.  They sent me a beautiful necklace {see it here} and I look forward to checking out their collections on a frequent basis!

But most of all, THANK YOU for reading Chasing Davies.  I love having this little space on the internet, interacting and hearing from you through comments, Facebook, Twitter, and even in person if I'm so lucky.  And it all wouldn't not be possible without great readers like you.  I don't say Thank You enough.

Future Supporters - Interested in sponsoring, giveaways, product reviews, etc - I'm flexible and open to all types of collaborations and time frames.  Email Me for more information or see the this page for ideas starters..

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