March 28, 2012

Pink Crusade Continues

I promise I'm not trying to where all pink this week, it's just what I'm drawn too in my closet lately.

This skirt was a deal makers deal - from Target, on clearance.  I think I paid like $6.  The top and what I think I'm going to call a summer blazer is from Forever21 - so this whole outfit is probably under $60 (including the flats that I got on sale from ASOS, but not including my jewelry).

I've realized now that I'm a mom with lots of new expenses (hello daycare and college fund), I'm probably going to be very much about a good deal.  Not that I wasn't before, I've always been budget-conscious.  My splurges will have to be really worth it now and a bit fewer and far between.

That is, until I win the lottery.

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