November 15, 2011

Lotus Flower Charm Necklace Giveaway - CLOSED

Happy Holiday season officially!  Thanksgiving is just next week, so to start celebrating, here is a sweet little giveaway for you sweet readers.

Thanks to Sheyna Jewelry for providing this necklace to giveaway.  Through Sheyna, you can shop from among the 5,000 existing items or within minutes, you can design your own jewelry.  Every item is handmade and shipped for free. All prices on Sheyna are calculated as you create them so you can get the look that suits you at the price you can afford.

How to win?

Mandatory: You must be a public follower via Google Friend Connect of this blog & leave your email address if it's not connected to your profile/blog.

{If you aren't a follower already?  Look to the left hand side of my blog and click on the the "Join this site" button that is located near the top (if you don't see it at first, refresh the page - Blogger has been having some issues, go figure and may take a couple refreshes to see it under the "Follow Along" heading).}

Extra Entries: Leave a separate comment for each you do.

- Tweet about this giveaway using @ChasingDavies in your tweet linking to this post {just once}
- Go check out my brand new mama-baby topic blog, Chasing Babies & become a Google Connect Follower there.  This blog is still a work in progress - but if you are a mama or soon to be (like me), its right up your alley.

You have until Monday, November 21st to enter this giveaway! I'll announce the winner Tuesday, November 22nd - so check back!

And the winner is....

Contrats to Ruvic!

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