November 21, 2011

H&M Shopping In Kansas City!

Last Thursday, November 17th, Kansas City's first {and long awaited} H&M store opened on the Country Club Plaza!  It is not even just an H&M store, but a good one!  You know how some are smaller, well, not this one.  It's 2 floors and wide open.  Our store has everything you could want - Ladies, Juniors, Men's, Kids & Baby, Lingerie and Accessories.  

I hit the store up on the evening of the big opening {DJ rocking out music and all} and got some great stuff!

Cozy Sweaters {that I can wear now with preggo bump, and later post-preggo}:

In addition to the cozy, I got a couple basic stretchy pieces that work over this bump for under cardigans and such - a tunic and a dress {or will be a dress when I don't have a watermelon in my belly}. H&M is the best!

I also got a few baby items that are the sweetest things ever.  You'll have to hop over to my new baby/mama/family blog {a work in progress, mind you} to check them out. :)

Then I went back on Saturday to take my husband.  This was also the big Versace day, so I browsed a bit, but have to admit - I didn't like any of the Versace collection one bit.  Looked loud and cheap...

Maybe I just missed all the good stuff, since I went in the evening and by this time it wasn't that crowded?

Kansas City Peeps, did you hit up the new store??  Anyone else find something in the Versace collection?  What did you get?

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