He's sad because at his recent yearly vet visits, we discovered he gained SEVEN pounds in the last year. That's a lot for a should-be 50 lbs pup.
So, he's on a diet now.
So, not-so-little-anymore Charlie was plopped in front of my closet and thought this was the perfect setting to give my new lens a whirl.
I kept his face in focus and the foreground (my closet goods) and some of his body are soft.
Anyone out there have any tips on this lens? Or recommendations on my NEXT lens purchase (once I can save up some $$)?
Also, you can keep up with my Photography progress at A Candid Life in her I See, You See posts that we will continue to do even thought our class is over. It will actually be BETTER now, because we'll get to pick each week's theme and better show a different perspective. We also want some of your suggestions on our weekly themes! So either comment here or at the last I See, You See - At the Zoo post with your suggestions!