Sweet sweet mum-daughter (who happens to be a rower, which is pretty impressive) bloggers, Kathy and Seashell at Two Hands Full of Daisies, awarded me this lovely and kind award today:

Here's what this award is about:
Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.”
So with that, I'd like to pass this on to a few amazing bloggers, which is hard to narrow down from the huge list of greats I follow - but I'll try:
Gigi's Gone Shopping - Add this to her long list of awards, but I can't resist. She's been a great follower on my blog and sharing my posts with her readers. She also has one heck of a blog, thus the many of awards.
Coley's Closet Cravings - one of my first blog "friends" and fabulous deal finder and product reviewer. She also has a funny Friday series that you'll just have to check out!
Head to Toe with Heidi - This little lady shares my love for J.Crew (many of our loves, I should say) and posts inspiring outfits. She's also a loyal follower and commenter, which is always so appreciated.
Plush Palate - More recently found and became a huge fan of this oh-so-lovely blog. As I am in my first home and attempting my first time decorating this new home - Crystal is a constant source of inspiration.
A Nantucket State of Mind - this lovely blogger really connects people and fellow bloggers with wonderful ideas - such as an Autumn Gift Exchange. This is how I connected with Kathy of Two Hands Full of Daises. She is fun to follow!
There are so many that I rely on daily for inspiration and connection. So many more deserve this. Until next time... ;)
Another exciting thing to announce. I was included in the Delightful Blog Directory this week. I join many amazing bloggers from all sorts of categories. "Delightfulblogs.com was launched in June of 2006 to share the wonderful blogs we like to read."

I'm very honored by both of these things. What a very nice reward for doing something I'm enjoying so much.
Just in...

Chasing Davies has been included on Shop it to me's list of Trendsetter's. Check it out, and other great blogs!
And to Chasing Davies readers - anonymous, friends, family, fellow-bloggers, new friends, etc - Thank you! You allow me to share. Look forward to getting to know some of you more.